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Huron House

Raise money for Huron House

Huron House Boys’ Home was founded in 1970 to support the youth of Sarnia-Lambton. We are an accredited children’s mental health centre that provides opportunities for adolescent boys to make positive changes in their lives in a safe and structured residential environment. Our caring professionals work together to develop and implement recreation, art, and therapeutic programming in addition to counselling and other support for both our residents and their families.


Click on a team below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
May 24 Marc and Karen Norcross Happy Father’s Day 2022 $17.07
May 23 Anonymous $54.63
May 23 Marie-Claire Hogervorst Undisclosed amount
May 22 Lily & Kyle Richardson Go Julie!!! Texas loves you! $27.80
May 22 Anonymous $79.51
May 20 Bob & Janice Schenck Go Benny Go! $54.63
May 20 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
May 20 Al & Peg Metcalfe Ride On! Go get Them! Proud Mom & Dad $50.00
May 19 Sherwin Way to go girl! $27.80
May 18 Anonymous $27.80